2014年より自らの原点であるthe Beatlesの楽曲を題材に多様な切り口からパフォーマンス作品を
作り上げる「Project Beatlish」を展開。Beatlesのカヴァーを集めた4~5曲入りのEP×15枚、好評発売中。
Singer-songwriter, born in 1981 in Wakayama pref., Japan.
Having tuition for the piano and violin in early childhood, she self-taught the guitar and other instruments, songwriting and started home recordings at the age of 14 with the fuge influence from "the Beatles". She attended to Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts Summer courses in 1997 and 1998 and studied at a language school in London until she turned 18. After returning to Japan, she wrote/directed a theatre play "Wuthering Heights '99" (1999) in Wakayama-city, then moved to Tokyo and did lots of recordings(more than 200 of original songs), released "Painter's Blues" (2001) from Melodian. Later on she started to pursuit Brazilian music and the simple style of gut guitar and vocal performance and formed a three-piece band "Slapsticks", which was based in Wakayama-city and was active for two years(2005-2007). After devoted herself in ballet training and marriage for several years, she came back to her musical career in 2013.
Apart from gut guitar and singing, she also plays piano and sanshin at gigs. Her repertoire is her original songs, MPB, very uniquely arranged Beatles' cover songs and world/Japanese traditional folk songs.
She dose some occasional illustration(caricature), flyer design and also choreography. She declares that her most favourite artist is the dancer/choreographer, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui.